Andrew's Regional College

Welcome to Andrew's Regional College. Our college is the only educational facility in Eastern Amerada.
It has been built to serve all people of the northeast Amerada region, including Washiawa, New Onto, Bosbec, Cincivieres, Pittsutimi, Denohn's, Clevesor, and Minneawa. Since Amerada hasn't a complete education system, Andrew's College has instituted a four level program, that anyone of any age can enter. The courses at Andrew's college are for learning, and for better knowing more about the careers, and career opportunities on Amerada. We also ensure that all children under the age of 12 in the region recieve our education, due to Ameradian law.
By advanced you should know all there is to know about the courses.

since we have just completed the college, our first ever school year has begun on May 27th, 2002. It will end on February 26th, 2003.

Courses available:
Regular Classes (free) begin at 8am, and end at 2:30pm Classes for other students (1000 Amerada Bucks) will begin at 3pm and end at 9:30pm In both sessions, class sizes will consist of 21-26 students.

Important information Classes will last 180 days. There will be exams on the last day of school, which are needed to pass to recieve a diploma for that level of education. Children still under 12 must then move on to the next level. All other students may chose to not move on to the next level, or pay the 1000 Amerada Bucks for the next level. Class schedual: Classes will begin May 27th, 2002. All Saturday's and Sundays are holidays. June 14th is a holiday July 1st is a holiday August 5th-9th are holidays September 2nd is a holiday October 31st, and November 4th are holidays November 29th is a holiday December 23rd-27th are holidays. January 1st is a holiday February 12th is a holiday Exam day: February 26th.