The Democratic Liberal Party of Amerada

Official Web page
Last updated: July 6th, 2002

The DLPA is Amerada's original Left wing Party. In power since April 12th 2001!

The DLPA was founded in February 2001 in Washiawa, M.C.D. by Earl Washburn and William Steeves. The DLPA participated in their first election against Kiril Litvinov in the now Defunct DPA. The DLPA won this election in a landslide victory, and Earl Washburn was elected Prime minister, and Derek McCullough was deputy Prime minister. Earl Washburn was then awarded the Presidency, and Derek McCullough was awarded the job as Prime Minister. As Derek McCullough resigned in September 2001, a new election was called for primeminister. William Steeves won, over Genevieve Wong. William Steeves led the government for the next month and a half, where he dramaticlay reformed the Amerada government. 2 Impeahments trials, he was finally impeached, because of inappropriate behaviour, and the Deputy Prime Minister, Derek McCullough returned to the office of Prime Minister. Since then McCullough, with the help of the President has brought Amerada out of two different periods of inactivity succesfuly, and succesfuly defended Amerada in two separate conflicts.

Leaders of the Head of State
Jonathan Weatherhead (unofficialy) February 12th 2001-June 11th 2001
Earl Washburn June 11th 2001-

Leaders of the Head of Government
February 12th 2001- June 11th 2001 Earl Washburn
June 11th 2001- September 10th 2001 Derek McCullough
September 10th 2001- October 22nd 2001 Earl Washburn
October 22nd 2001- December 13th 2001 William Steeves
December 14th 2001- Derek McCullough

Colonial DLPA leaders (governiers in italics)
Massauvut Capital District: Earl Washburn
Califario: Mattlore Devious
Tebec: Dan Trudel and Andrew Lacharite
Michswick: Derek McCullough
New Columbia: Mattias Dyble
Illitoba: Xavier Redhead
Oh Scotia, North Cerritories, and Geord and Island: Jonathan Weathehead and Alexxx Paris
Floerta, Nova Pacaria Canusa: Roch St. Geroges (of Canusa)
New Jundland: Mark Hickman
Pennschewan: Jason Loch
Virgrritory: Arenji Compotto

DLPA Members of Parliament, and their cabinet positions.
01- MCD-Cincivieres, HE Rt. Hon. Pres. Earl Washburn, President, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Foreign Affairs
02- New Onto-Pitsutimi, Gov. Mattlore Devious, Minister of Heritage
03- Tebec, Rt. Hon. Daniel Trudel, Minister of Energy
04- Michswick, Rt. Hon. Gov. Derek McCullough, Prime Minister, Minister of Transportation
05- New Columbia, Andrew Lacharite, Minister of Justice
06- Illitoba-Portrooke, Gov. Xavier Redhead, Minister of Finance
07- Northeast, Gov. Alexxx Paris, Minister of Education
09- Pennschewan-Dallton, Gov. Roch St. Georges, Minister of Health
10- Jundaland-Houdon, Rt. Hon. Mark Hickman, Minister of Defence

The Democratic Liberal Party Head Office
c/o the White Buildings
13 Amerada Boulevard
Washiawa, Massacuvut Capital District
112 A13