
M.C.D is Amerada's Capital Distict. Washiawa, was the first settlement in Amerada, and was therefore named the capital of the great land. Massacuvut Capital District, or 'MCD' was formed on February 12th 2001, as Amerada's first administrative region, as the surrounding region of the capital. MCD has over the months brought together the nation's biggest politicians. Events that affect the country happen regularily in the White Buildings, the political centre of Amerada. The grandeur of Washiawa attracts many across the country, and has become a national 'mini' metropolis, for every sense of the word.

In February of 2001, Washiawa was first settled, and named the capital of Amerada, and the surrounding region became known as Massacuvut Capital District. The village quickly grew to a population of 500 in only a few weeks.

The Amerada legislature was formed in a small building in April 2001, which quickly grew to what it is now, the White Buildings.

While MCD is basicly a colony, it's not officialy one. It's a district, because the federal government helps maintain the region.
Origin of Name: Massacuvut should really be Massacavut, becasause of an error when the coloy became official, it was just called Massacuvut. It'S a collaboration of Native American Languages meaning 'large land'
Capital: Washiawa
Nickname: Capital Colony
Motto: "The cnetre of the great"
Bird: Wood Ptarmigan
Flag: features blue arms on a red stone post, and the star representing Amerada.
Flower: Ameradian Beauty Saxifrage

The Land
Area: 5750 sq. km.
Land: 5250 sq. km.
Water: 500 sq. km.
Topography: The land slopes upward from the west and the north toward the Cincivieres River, and the Onto River.
Number of Counties: 6
Geographical Centre: Front of Geoanta, Geoanta County (20 km NW of Washiawa)
Highest Point: 405m, Virgin Hillside (Upper Hawlulu, Hawlulu)
Lowest Point: 0m, Onto River (Front of Delaver, Delaver)
Mean Elevation: 100m

Climate And Environment
Extreme Temperature Range: -40 C to +40 C
Fresh Water withdrawn Per Capita, Per Day: 0.6 Gallons
Endangered Species: none

Major Cities, Population % change (May-Nov)
Washiawa, 534-- 5.53%

The People
Population: 534
Percent change (May-Nov): 5.53%
Per sq. km: 0.09
Percent in metro. area: 100.00%

Of Vital Importance
Deaths: 0

Keeping Well
Physicians: 3
Dentists: 1
Nurses: 8
Hospitals: 1
Admissions: 150
Beds: 7
Occupancy Rate: 40%
Room Charges per Day: 500 Amerada Bucks
Spending: N/A

Available Households: 534
Family Households: N/A
Persons per Household: N/A

Living Quarters
Total housing units: 534
Persons per units: N/A
Occupied Housing units: N/A
Median value: 80,000 Amerada Bucks
Renter Occupied units: N/A

Crime Index
Total: 5

Teaching and learning
Enrollement: N/A
Teachers: N/A
Educational Facilities: 0
Librairies: 1

Law Enforcement
Expendatures: N/A
Polimen/women: 4
Prisoners: (total, Amerada): 44

Civillian Labour Force: 534
% of total population 100%

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